Cheer Competition Scavenger Hunt
Looking for a fun Team Bonding activity to do while at a weekend long competition? Have lots of time to kill in between performance time and awards?
Have a Photo Scavenger Hunt.
First things first- decide on a prize (if any), a system for keeping score, and what method to be used for posting pictures.
Do you want them posted to the gym’s facebook page, twitter, or Instagram?
Do you want a specific hashtag used?
Next, set some ground rules and decide the items for your list.
Here is an example.
Ground Rules
1. Be polite and respectful at all times.
2. Ask permission prior to taking a photo. If someone does not wish to participate, then respect that.
3. Do not do anything that would cause harm or risk injury to yourself or anyone else.
4. Participation in the activity should only be done during hours authorized by the coach/owner in charge.
Scavenger Hunt
1. Photo with a teammate from another squad at your gym.
2. Selfie with your coach.
3. Photo with your cheer bestie.
4. Photo with the craziest spirit parent or decked out super fan in the audience.
5. Photo posing next to a statue.
6. Photo with a competition company staff member.
7. Photo with a coach from another gym.
8. Photo with a cheer mom wearing glitter. Bonus if she is also wearing a cheer bow.
9. Photo with the cheerleader with the biggest hair.
10. Photo stunting with an American Doll in uniform (can’t be your own).
11. Photo at your favorite vendor table.
12. Photo of something you ate.
13. Photo with a cheerleader from another state.
14. Photo hitting your favorite flyer pose (heel stretch, scale, etc.) with 2 other cheerleaders not from your gym.
15. Photo of a dad doing his daughter’s hair.
16. Selfie with a new cheer friend from another gym.
17. Photo of the most decorated backpack.
18. Photo of something in your gym colors that is not gym related.
19. Photo proposing to someone from another gym.
20. Photo with a security guard.
21. Photo with the smallest cheerleader.
22. Photo with twins. Bonus if they are cheerleaders.
23. Photo with your fan club (parents, grandparents, siblings, whoever came to support you).
24. Photo with a group of 5 cheerleaders, all from different gyms, all making the same face/pose.
25. Photo of your favorite moment of the day.
Enjoy!!! star cheerleading,cheerleading competitions,cheerleading scavenger hunt,team bonding
How cool. Maybe our page on Facebook but maybe girls use instagram more.
Going to a 2 Day Nationals today!!!! Definitely doing this! Now…how to put it all together. Lol 🤣