Aging Out – What Comes Next?
A peculiar thing about this sport we love is that once you reach a certain age, your role as...
The Official Summit Survival Guide
A Summit Guide for Newbies (and helpful info for returning competitors too) So your team won a bid to...
It takes a Village
It takes a village. Raising a child is hard right? Raising a cheerleader harder?
The Cheer Hangover
A condition the morning after a Cheer event (most usually a competition, but perhaps a big game) that presents...
Just Like You
When I took my daughter to her first day of Kindergarten, my heart was pounding. So many thoughts raced...
And Then There Were Cheer Dads…
You see them at the competitions. They may have crazy hair, or painted faces, or crazy clothes. They scream...
Putting the Cheer Dad to the Test
To some, the “cheer dad” is the guy that drives his kid to practice, goes to the competitions and...