Aging Out – What Comes Next?
A peculiar thing about this sport we love is that once you reach a certain age, your role as...
The Official Summit Survival Guide
A Summit Guide for Newbies (and helpful info for returning competitors too) So your team won a bid to...
The Myth of Fast Progressions
By: David Shawn Briggs aka Tumbleyoda Every season we hear a version of this myth passed around from gym...
It takes a Village
It takes a village. Raising a child is hard right? Raising a cheerleader harder?
The Cheer Hangover
A condition the morning after a Cheer event (most usually a competition, but perhaps a big game) that presents...
Book Review: “It’s Not About Perfect”
Book Review: “It’s Not About Perfect” Competing for My Country and Fighting for my Life By Shannon Miller, with...
Product Review – Bling Airbac™
It is a funny story how we ended up with this product review for the Bling Airbac Cheer...
15 Things Cheer Parents Do that Drive Coaches Crazy
You enroll your child at the local cheer gym and like any parent you really want to make a...