Cheerleading is Not Life
I know what you are thinking reading that title- Cheerleading IS life- right? Ok ok, I get it. Believe...
Put Your Heart in It
What exactly does it mean to “put your heart” into something? There is this song by Kenny Rogers called...
Leave it at the Door
There was a famous saying when I was a young athlete that is still used today- Leave it at...
10 Things Cheer Moms Understand
1. The need and desire to buy a bow at every competition, that you can never possibly have enough...
Perception is YOUR Reality
How many times have you heard that saying? Perception is Reality. In the honest truth, it IS reality –...
When Two Sports Collide
Sports seasons often collide. It is a fact of life. There are only so many months in the year,...
Are You Addicted to Tumbling?
If you are a cheerleader then I can just about guess you are addicted to tumbling! Reality is tumbling...
World and Summit Bids Explained
Aaahh, springtime! The birds are singing, the trees are blooming, and cheerleaders all over are chasing bids. It is...