When Two Sports Collide
Sports seasons often collide. It is a fact of life. There are only so many months in the year, and many, many sports to fit in. When it comes to our children, there will come a time when their sports seasons overlap throwing the family in chaos mode. Parents are left to scramble for solutions, schedules, stability, and solidarity as they watch best made plans turn into a race to get everything done at once.
Many of us have more than one child, and most of us want our children to be active. Most of us understand this means individual or team sports. However, sometimes we fail to plan for the day when those sports overlap. Days, weekends, heck, entire weeks go by in a blur as parents struggle to get all their children to each of their prospective practices.
In my case, this past week looked like this:
Sunday – both kids have practices at different cities. They also both have those practices at the same time. Thank goodness this is a two vehicle household.
Monday – One child has archery practice, one gets to do weekly chores. Both gripe that the other has it easy.
Tuesday – Both have practices. Again, different cites, same time. This time we are lucky to have one in a carpool.
Wednesday – Competition prep for both kids. Acquire anything they need for the weekend while they are both at practice – Did I mention my gas bill?
Thursday – Feels like Monday, only with the child’s roles reversed. Parents gripe that kids have it easy. Packing, planning routes, and general gathering of kid’s sports items for the weekend commence.
Friday – I travel with our daughter to the cheer competition out of state, while hubby relaxes with our son, since his meet is in state. All of us are asleep early as Saturday is cheer competition/swim meet day.
Saturday – Technology and cell phones become out best friends. We call, Skype, and send photos to update how each other is doing. We try to coordinate a dinner time where we can call each other on speaker phone to talk about the day’s events.
On those days when competition and meet occur at the same time we text, call, and even face time each other. Via technology, we encourage, wish good luck, and cheer from across states. Usually there is some topic of fun to joke about. This week’s topic of laughter was both kids simultaneously lose their team shirts. How do two kids, in two separate states, manage to do the same thing at the same time to drive their parents crazy? Life, unscripted, is a sitcom pilot waiting to be written.
With all this constant movement, chaos, and calamity, it is important to keep perspective. Stability is key. Each has one day of weekly chores. We have a set schedule we follow for homework, daily chores, and family time. While taking kids home, we ask about what they are planning for the next few days. Small routines, in a world of chaos, means a lot to children and keeps parents involved.
We also have certain unbreakable traditions we use when the family is apart. We try to do a group Skype or speaker phone at dinner, as we find family dinner is most important in keeping up with our children’s lives. After each swim meet we go out for ice cream. After every cheer competition we go to IHOP Pancake House. Before they go into warm ups each get a kiss from mom and a hug from dad. After each award ceremony they get and “Awesome Dude!” and a high five. It sounds crazy, but it’s those little things our kids have come to expect, regardless of whether we are there, or if they are given out in proxy by the other parent.
We did not achieve this overnight. Let’s be clear- it took years to figure out a system that worked. For starters, we have upgraded our memo board to a wall sized white board for memos. This give us plenty of room to write down items and keep track of changes. We have a desk blotter calendar to write down schedules. It was the only calendar with big enough squares to write or use port it notes when needed and not block other dates. It also allows us to use post-its, so as event dates change, it is easy to accommodate. Google calendar also helps to give us reminders when we are not home of any upcoming events. Battery operated cell phone chargers go everywhere, so we can keep in touch when both of us can’t be there for a child’s big day.
Parents cannot be everywhere, every time. Sometimes it is ideal to divide and concur the events the day holds to get it all done. By creating routines where you can, being flexible when needed, and staying in touch for support, setting time out for yourselves to recharge, it is possible to create peace in the chaos. Sports seasons will collide. When they do, it pays to take time to prepare, and remember it will never go as smoothly as you expect. Just keep flexible and remain positive.
Oh, and keep track of your child’s team shirt.
http://www.heartofcheer.com/parents/when-two-sports-collide/http://www.heartofcheer.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/whentwosports4.jpghttp://www.heartofcheer.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/whentwosports4-150x150.jpgBlogParentsall star cheerleading,cheer parents,family balance,juggling schedules,multiple sports,sports