Aging Out – What Comes Next?
A peculiar thing about this sport we love is that once you reach a certain age, your role as...
The Official Summit Survival Guide
A Summit Guide for Newbies (and helpful info for returning competitors too) So your team won a bid to...
The Cheer Hangover
A condition the morning after a Cheer event (most usually a competition, but perhaps a big game) that presents...
Make Today Count
13 years. I spent 13 years chasing a dream that never came true. In these 13 years, although I...
Letter to the Editor
This letter came to us via anonymous email. It is a rather controversial piece for HOC, but we chose...
Ten Things to Think about Before You Say that Your Child is too Good to be in a Group with Sally
We typically stick to original content and very rarely re-blog anything, but today I stumbled across this article posted...
Coaching from the Heart: Cartwheels and Round offs
LEVEL 1 TUMBLING Skill: Cartwheel Definition: A non-aerial tumbling skill where the athlete supports the weight of their body...
Top 15 Interview Questions for a Cheer Coach
1. What qualities make a good cheer coach? 2. What is the most useful job related criticism you have...