Thanksgiving Essay Contest: Meagan Vota
Anyone can say they have an inspiration; someone to look up to and strive to be like. It is...
Host a Community Showcase
As gyms gear up for their first competitions of the 2014-2015 season, many opt to debut their new routines...
1099 – When and How to Use Them
As a business owner, I know the expense there is to hiring an ; The taxes that are paid...
“Mean Cheer Moms”
Imagine this. . . The cool soundtrack music starts playing, with heavy guitar, very cool sounding, and a group...
There’s a New Gym In Town
There is a new gym in town! Affinity Elite All-Stars in Hudson, Florida is entering their second year and...
The Business of Cheer
My daughter has been in all-star cheerleading for going on 5 years now, and I as a cheer mom...
How Much is Too Much – Physically Speaking. . .
So in answering the big question “How much is too much” we have covered the mental and the ;...
Dealing with Loss at the Gym
It was heartbreaking to hear of the recent losses in the cheer community this week and it prompted me...