Effective Cheer Marketing
By: Jason Silverman
Jason Silverman is the CEO of Powerful Words Character Development- the World’s #1 Personal Development system for the after school world, and the marketing/business systems consultant for AllStarCheerSites.com.
ALERT: These three popular marketing “ideas” are a total waste of money and valuable time – so don’t bother trying to market your cheer gym this way.
1. Business cards are dead. It’s the truth. They were OK before we had the internet and everybody walked around with smart phones which make online marketing really effective and that’s why services like a seo reseller package can be really good for your business. Today though, if you’re printing up business cards and passing them out to people then don’t bother. Odds are, they’re going directly into the “circular file!”
2. Google pay per click (otherwise known as Adsense) is a complete and total waste of money, too. I’ve personally tested out Google PPC by spending over $1,000 for All Star Cheer Sites and I ended up paying 450% more per lead than I do on Facebook. What a complete and utter waste of money. A better way to market would be to hire an SEO agency so your business is listed at the top of the search engine result pages.
3. Yelp ads = total freakin’ scam. ‘nuf said about that.
But down below are five member getting tactics that work incredibly well right now if you’re looking for more leads and more members, want more referrals from your existing clients, and want to build a bigger email marketing list, and as you have more clients, you will need more employees, using a 1099 nec creator software is good for paystubs and more.
If you need help in hiring quality personnel to work in your company, then a good company like Avensure outsourcing HR services can greatly help you find the right person for the job!
What’s Working Now In Cheer Marketing
1. Referral Generation RULES. There’s simply no better way to get a more qualified lead into your cheer gym than through a client referral, but a few things absolutely, positively MUST happen in order for your clients to refer their friends, family and co-workers to your gym.
First, you have to ask for referrals and ask often in a systemized way. Secondly, you’ve got to deliver the goods as expected. If your clients feel that they’re not getting the results they were promised or expected then they’re not going to tell their circle of influence about you.
Remember – you can’t promise a unicorn and deliver a donkey.
2. Email Marketing is King. There’s still no faster and more reliable way to get leads, prospects and clients than email marketing. That being said, it must be done right.
Think about it this way… if you got everyone in your community who was interested in having their kids live a healthy, goal driven and success oriented lifestyle to opt into your email list then you have a captive audience that you can market to anytime you want more members in your gym.
But before you can market to them, you’ve got to get them to know, like and trust you. Let me say that again: YOU’VE GOT TO GET THEM TO KNOW, LIKE and TRUST YOU.
Once you build the; know, like, and trust factor, you are seen as the authority and now you can tap into your email list on demand whenever you feel the urge to grow your gym!
** By the way, if your current website does not specialize in getting new visitors to opt in so that you can quickly, easily and effectively grow your prospecting list (and naturally your gym), you really MUST take a look at All Star Cheer Sites (http://allstarcheersites.com/ ) Especially now that we’re running our summer specials.
3. Facebook Leads and LBO’s. Too many cheer gym owners waste their valuable time on trying to get “likes” instead of leads and clients from Facebook. You can’t take likes to the bank. Honestly, try paying your mortgage with a bunch of likes. See how that works out for ya.
For paid advertising there are the only two ways that produce the most clients from Facebook.
A) Ad for free offer (e-book, special report, video, or a week-long trial) >> capture email address >> position yourself as the authority >> make low barrier offer >> convert into long term client.
B) Ad for LBO (Low Barrier Offer) >> Capture Email Address
in step 1 >> make LBO sale >> convert into long term client.
4. Workshops and Events. Lunch and learns for local businesses are still one of the best ways to get in front of local businesses who can turn you onto their clients, customers and employees. Free nutrition, fat loss, and workout workshops are a great way to get leads and prospects from Facebook and your email list in front of you where you can educate, demonstrate, and invite. By that I mean invite them to get on board with a Low Barrier Offer and then convert them into long term clients from there.
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5. Video Marketing. One of the best things about the cheer industry is that it lends itself perfectly to demonstration and “how to” videos, and since YouTube and Facebook make it easy to get your videos in front of the right eyes balls, it just makes sense to make videos.
See, YouTube is owned by Google, and since Google is the world’s most popular search engine that means that every day there are hundreds of people in your community who are searching for fitness, workouts, cheer gyms, after school activities for kids and summer camps.
Since Google can position your YouTube videos to get found when people do local searches, it just makes sense to crank out a minimum of 1 video each week and upload it to YouTube and Facebook. That’s the kind of stuff that’s going to out position you over your competition and get everyone in your town to view you as the local, leading expert.
BTW, the most wanted action that you want out of these videos is to move the viewers from the video to a squeeze page or your website where you can get them onto your email list so that you can build the know, like, and trust factor and then make them on a low barrier offer. (Your professionally written auto-responders will help immensely with this!)
How To Automate Your Entire Online Marketing
Now, if you want done for you squeeze pages and opt ins that you can use on Facebook and on your website to build an email list then check out what All Star Cheer Sites can (and will) do for you.
If you’re ready to get off the bench and get onto the field with your marketing, it’s time to step up and leverage a system that actually does it FOR YOU, for this reason we recommend looking up to websites like https://www.qualtrics.com/experience-management/research/text-analysis/ that help you understand the power behind customer experience and how it has an effect on your online business.
http://www.heartofcheer.com/coaches/effective-cheer-marketing/http://www.heartofcheer.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/allstarmarketing2.jpghttp://www.heartofcheer.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/allstarmarketing2-300x300.jpgBlogCoachesIndustryall star cheer sites,cheer gym marketing,cheerleading,cheerleading marketing,cheerleading websites