Effective Cheer Marketing
Subject: NEVER MARKET YOUR CHEER GYM LIKE THIS By: Jason Silverman Jason Silverman is the CEO of Powerful Words...
15 Signs You Retired from Cheerleading
1. A song comes on the radio from an old routine and you mentally bust out your dance in...
Keep the Drama Llamas at Bay
Dealing with Drama Llamas seems to come with the territory of running a cheer squad. Any time you get...
Nutrition and Athletic Performance
We were very excited at Heart of Cheer to have the opportunity to review The Cheer Diet book. We...
Cheerleading is Not Life
I know what you are thinking reading that title- Cheerleading IS life- right? Ok ok, I get it. Believe...
Back Handspring Drills
The back handspring truly is the gateway skill for most cheerleaders. It’s what separates the Level 1s from the...
Are You Addicted to Tumbling?
If you are a cheerleader then I can just about guess you are addicted to tumbling! Reality is tumbling...
Exceptional Coach for Exceptional Athletes
I have an extra special place in my heart for the special needs division. It doesn’t matter if it’s...